Major Fallout 4 mod can’t be played on Epic Game Store versions of the game

The upcoming Fallout: London mod for Fallout 4 won't be compatible with the Epic Games Store version of Bethesa's RPG at launch.Speaking to VG247, a spokesperson for GOG revealed players who bought the game on the EGS will be unable to access the mod. This issue appears to be specific solely to the EGS, while Steam players can play it by downgrading their version of Fallout 4 to before Bethesda's next-gen update.A version rollback option isn't typically required when developers choose storefronts. But this situation highlights why the feature should be considered, particularly for games with lively communities.Folon and GOG are currently working on the Steam version's downgrade. The same feature is impossible to bring to Epic's storefront, which doesn't support update rollbacks.

Fallout London's saga has mutated out of control

Mod team Folon has been working on Fallout London for years, and it was originally set to release this past April. But just as the mod hit the finish line, a funny thing happened: Bethesda put out the next-gen update for Fallout 4.That update brought the nine-year-old game to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. But it wasn't a clean transition, and both versions of the game and PC came frontloaded with issues.In the PC version's case, the update was reportedly so unstable that regressing the base game is the only way Fallout London can be played.VG247 notes Folon's hope for Fallout London to eventually be compatible with Fallout 4's next-gen update. Whether that or EGS-implemented rollback comes first, the mod will be playable by everyone, regardless of where the base game was bought.

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