Roblox is updating its marketplace to enable creators to grow their business on the UGC platform.Upcoming changes will allow creators to sell avatar bundles–consisting of bodies, clothing, and accessories—in both Marketplace and within experiences themselves. Roblox said the tweak represents a "big step forward for creators" and will debut in the "coming months."Currently, it's only possible to publish and sell individual items in Marketplace and experiences, but Roblox claims the addition of bundles will make buying and selling a more "convenient" experience."Selling avatars and items as a bundle is much more convenient for people, as they'll be able to shop for full looks all at once rather than piecemeal. We recently launched a new way to search for avatar bundles and have already seen a positive uptick in people shopping for full looks, rather than individual accessories," added the company."For creators and brands alike, that means new ways to showcase their full creative vision, build connections with their audience, and grow their earnings."
The Backyard Sports franchise will soon return after a nearly decade-long hiatus. Announced today, Playground Productions will bring the games back—and introduce the iconic characters to TV, film, and other media.The franchise began in the late 90s with Backyard Baseball, developed by Humongous Entertainment, and soon blossomed to include entries focused on skateboarding, hockey, football, and more. The last releases before the new announcement were 2015's Backyard Sports: Baseball and Backyard Sports: Basketball.Per Variety, Backyard Sports creator and Playground Productions founder and CEO Lindsay Barnett called the franchise "more than just a game; it’s a cherished part of childhood for millions of people. I look at media as the largest classroom in the world. As such, our goal is to produce meaningful content that not only entertains but also educates and inspires. The return of Backyard Sports is the perfect embodiment of that goal."
Backyard Sports and Playground Productions
Playground Productions labels itself …